Project Details


From enabling children to pursue their dreams through education to empowering parents to become agents of change within their communities, our impact resonates far and wide.


Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. Empowerment can be done in social, educational, economic, political and psychological areas of an individual or community. We believe that through empowerment, communities become vibrant and imbibe qualities needed for self-dependence and profitable action.

"Embracing eco-friendliness is embracing a better future, where our choices today nurture the planet for generations ahead."

Social Empowerment:

 Means all the sections in Society have equal control over their lives, are able to take decisions and have equal opportunities. We empower the individuals and communities through awareness on the issues that affect them, by building social capital, by developing agency and by collective action.

Educational Empowerment:

ACT believes that education is the remedy for the majority of social evils and can break the chain of cycle of poverty. We support schools which do not have the required staff and infrastructure through our program ACT – EDUQIP [Educational Quality Improvement Program]

Economic Empowerment:

We train people to start and grow small businesses, improve farming methods, and work together to form cooperatives. This helps parents become better providers for their children — so those children can grow up better nourished, better educated, and better equipped to break the generational cycle of poverty.

Political Empowerment:

We bring people together to have an identity of oneness and develop brotherhood. It is bringing in a group identity wherein the communities can come together and raise their voice for their wellbeing.

Donation Needed

₹ 23,756

Goal : ₹ 50,000


Join us in empowering communities, building resilience, and creating a brighter, more equitable future for all.

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One Earth, one chance – let’s do it right

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Building Bridges to a Brighter Tomorrow

At Anugraha Charitable Trust, we believe that true change begins with collective action. Whether you’re an individual, corporation, or philanthropic organization, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a difference.

F. A. Q's

A Little Help Can Make A Big Change

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Tell Congress to Save Our Wildlife

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